Future-proofing Northland DHB’s security system region-wide
Sixteen years ago, when the Northland DHB first approached ARC Security, their pre-existing security system included alarms, cameras and access control doors that failed so frequently they might as well have been flushing money down the toilet. ARC Security consultant Andrew told them that there were only two systems he would recommend for the Northland DHB, and one of those was Gallagher Security Systems. The NDHB then approached a third-party security consultant for an outside opinion. Upon receiving the same advice that Andrew had given, the decision to work with ARC Security was made.
When we came on board we were asked to upgrade their security system. They wanted something easy to use, reliable and effective. We delivered on this brief but went one step further: we future-proofed it by introducing new security servers that could be updated without inconvenient operational disruptions, and would continue to serve an evolving and expanding security system through the years.
The Northland DHB now benefits from our installation of:
- Future-proofed security servers.
- 500 new access control doors for secure and controlled access.
- Access key cards for staff that can be easily updated or deleted from the system to accommodate frequent staffing changes.
- 150 new CCTV cameras.
- CCTV monitoring of entire NDHB from Whangārei security server network infrastructure.
- New alarm system.
The Northland District Health Board comprises 4 major regional hospitals as well a network of community-based outpatient and mental health services. Collectively, the NDHB employs over 3,000 staff and serves an estimated population of over 193,000 people (20/21 survey). Our custom security solutions and ongoing maintenance and system expansion work have been a game-changer for our DHB, enabling truly smooth staffing operations and effective hospital security.