
Beachside Community Fights Crime with Integrated vGRID Solution

The residents of a beachside community were at wit’s end. First, an increase in vehicle theft saw their cars taken off their very own driveways. Next, these same stolen vehicles were being used to access the community’s gated areas undetected, in order to perpetrate break-ins and burglaries. Local law enforcement isn’t local enough – the distance of this beachside area means the police have an increased response time, often arriving too late to catch criminals in the act. The community, desperate to prevent further thefts and find a way to assist the police in solving these crimes, approached ARC Security to answer this question:

How do you stop a car thief in their tyre-tracks?

Our solution was to implement a two-fold integrated digital surveillance system. First, we installed License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras in specific, strategic locations, equipped with infrared capabilities that can read license plates in all conditions and including during low visibility, such as under rainfall and/or at night.

Next, we integrated their new LPR system with a sophisticated yet ‘layman’-user-friendly software called NX Witness, which alongside vGRID, can issue automated, instant alerts to the residents’ association – and the police – the moment a stolen vehicle attempts to enter the area.

We chose vGRID because it is a specialised visual security management platform that automatically captures license plate data collected from integrated LPR or ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition) cameras. From a highly secure browser-based app, Police can access live and historical footage anytime, anywhere, create a map of vehicle movements, and share visual evidence with the police securely and remotely, making vGRID an efficient tool in the fight against crime. Now thanks to ARC’s innovative solution, this coastal community are actively protecting their property and collecting valuable data to help police reduce and solve crime in their area.

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